Scene 1 - The Street
1. Introduction - Romeo Early in the morning, the street begins to come to life. Romeo is out walking, deep in thought about his unrequited love Rosaline, not noticing other people. |
2. Morning Dance Early risers come out. Strollers still up from the night before make their way home. |
3. The Quarrel A chance meeting by members of the feuding Capulet and Montague households. Taunting quickly develops into a scuffle and then energetic armed combat as more people join the fray. |
4. The Prince The Prince appears and the fighting stops. He admonishes the combatants, who put away their weapons and kneel in respect. (Curtain. The theme continues for a change of scene).
Scene 2 - The Capulets' House
5. Juliet Preparing for the Ball The 14-year old Juliet jokes and frolics like a little girl, despite the Nurses attempts to get her to dress. Finally in her ballgown, Juliet sees herself a young woman in the mirror and becomes thoughtful. |
6. The Ball - Arrival of the Guests The notables of Verona assemble for the ball, meeting and greeting. The invited Mercutio arrives along with gatecrashers Romeo and Benvolio - all are in masks. The host Capulets enter with due pomp and ceremony. |
7. Minuet The dancing begins. The pace is liesurely, in keeping with some of the creaking bones in action. Juliet dances indifferently with Paris, while Romeo looks on admiringly. |
8. In Masks The three "masketeers" having fun. Tybalt recognizes
Romeo and is angry, but Capulet calms him down and friends lead him away. |
9. The Balcony Scene The dancing continues, as does Romeo's ogling. Juliet is playful, the two are together briefly, then Juliet runs off. TJuliet returns to the empty hall looking for something. Romeo conveniently re-appears, and the love dance begins. |
Scene 1 - The Square
10. Folk Dance A popular holiday is underway; people are dancing and generally having a good time.
Romeo passes by thinking of Juliet. Mercutio meets him and teases him. As the folk dancing continues, clowns, jugglers and acrobats entertain. In the
midst of this, the Nurse seeks out Romeo on an errand from Juliet. |
11. Dance of the Gypsies The entertainment continues, provided by gypsies with connections
to the Montague household. |
Scene 2 - Friar Lawrence's Cell
12. Romeo with Friar Lawrence Romeo - at turns excited young buck, and tender lover - awaits his bride to be. |
13. Juliet with Friar Lawrence Juliet enters dressed in white, a picture
of purity and innocence. |
14. The Wedding Friar Lawrence performs the marriage ceremony. |
Scene 3 - The Square
15. Holiday Celebrations Continue Mercutio and Benvolio join in the dancing. The merriment is threatened when Tybalt appears. As the dancing continues Mercutio and Tybalt eye one another menacingly. |
16. Tybalt and Mercutio Fight A high spirited Mercutio rushes at Tybalt. Romeo appears and attempts to intercede. Tybalt and Mercutio fight, and Mercutio is mortally wounded. |
17. Romeo Avenges Mercutio. To avenge Mercutio Romeo duels Tybalt.
It's a fight to the death - that of Tybalt. |
18. Mourning the Dead The Montagues gather to mourn Tybalt's death, and swear revenge. A Cortege bears Tybalt's body away. |
Scene 1 - Juliet's bedroom
19. Introduction - At Dawn An ominous variation of the Prince's theme returns, reflecting his power over Romeo's fate (he has been exiled). |
20. Romeo and Juliet Together Having spent the night together as man and wife, the lovers gradually awaken and sleepily revel in their happiness. |
21. The Last Farewell The Nurse warns that Juliet's parents are coming with Paris. Romeo and Juliet bid their farewells before parting. |
22. Juliet's Parents Arrive with Paris Juliet's parents inform her that Paris is to be her husband. Paris presents her with a bouquet. The "quarrel" theme returns, portending what is to come. |
23. Juliet Refuses to Marry Paris Depicting the inevitable teenaged tantrum, interspersed with pleas for a change of heart. All to no avail - the parents leave, unmoved by their daughter's weeping and gnashing of teeth. Alone, Juliet remains defiant. |
Scene 2 - Friar Lawrence's Cell
24. At Friar Lawrence's Juliet seeks Lawrence's advice and help. |
25. The Potion The good Friar has a plan, involving trickery,
deceit.......and a "magical" potion. |
26. Juliet's Love Dance Soothed, Juliet embraces the plan which
will bring her together with Romeo for good. |
Scene 3 - Juliet's Room
27. Juliet Agrees to Marry Paris As Juliet lies to her parents, the tragedy begins to unfold. |
28. Juliet with Paris Juliet dances with Paris, but unhappiness shows through and she sends everyone away. Alone, she toasts Romeo with the potion, drinks it and falls asleep. |
Scene 1 - A Churchyard: The Capulets' Tomb
29. At Juliet's Grave Originally expecting to attend a wedding, the Capulet family and Paris' entourage gather to mourn Juliet. |
30. Juliet's Funeral Funeral procession with Juliet's body. |
31. Romeo's Death Romeo appears, unaware of the scheme hatched between Lawrence and Juliet. He despairs at Juliet's 'death' and kills himself. |
32. Juliet's Death Juliet awakens. Still groggy from the potion,
she rejoices in the plan's success - until she sees Romeo's body. Unable to contain her grief, she stabs herself and embraces
Romeo as she dies.

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